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On2Air Forms - JotForm vs Airtable Forms
On2Air Forms - JotForm vs Airtable Forms

On2Air Forms - JotForm vs Airtable Forms

View a comparison of On2Air Forms vs. Airtable Forms

🔴 On2Air Forms - JotForm has been shutdown to focus on our On2Air Backups Airtable app Learn more about automated Airtable backups -

We now have a brand new
On2Air Forms
On2Air Forms
app for Airtable that doesn’t require JotForm! It connects directly to Airtable. You can sign up for free access at On2Air Forms Signup Learn more here - On2Air Forms
On2Air Forms - JotForm
Airtable Forms
Add data into an Airtable base with a form
Use conditional logic to display or hide a field based on a response
Display images, text, and other data from your Airtable base
Use conditional logic to display secondary fields based on answers to a primary field —— Example: Car Make > Model
Insert a form value previously entered by the user into another location in your form
Update an Airtable record with the form
Send your form submissions to Airtable or Other Software tools
Add hidden fields to your form
Integrates with JotForm form builder to use even more powerful features
Prefill the fields with default information per form user
Generate personalized forms based on user data
Display default values from your base on your form field
Allows users to search filtered Airtable data from your form
Add HTML or Markdown on your form