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Core Actions
Core Actions

Core Actions

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Trigger Action

Triggers allow you to initiate a process for automatically updating, modifying, or deleting single or multiple records in bulk to or from Airtable. Triggers can be used in Airtable Automations, Airtable Scripting, Zapier (over 2,500 other apps), or a Custom App.

Update Action

On2Air Action Updates allows you to update, create, or delete single or multiple Airtable records. You can use updates in your Airtable Automations, Airtable Scripting, Zapier, or a Custom app.

Search Action

A Search Action is a way to search your Airtable base and return single or multiple records for use in Airtable Automations, Airtable Scripting, Other Apps in Zapier, or a Custom App.

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