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The Embed field in On2Air Forms allows you to embed any online content or websites on your form from a URL stored in your Airtable base. You can display websites, calendars, videos, and many other types of content on the internet!

See more Fields in the Form Field Reference


In this tutorial

How to Add a Field to Your Form

Here’s how to add Airtable Fields or On2Air Custom Fields to your Form

Field Configuration

Field Labels




- Add a title to be displayed above the field as the main name. To leave blank, add a single space

By default, this is the name of your field in Airtable. You can use a different field name than your base and it will not affect the field name in your base.

Sub Title

- Add a subtitle to be displayed above the field. To leave blank, add a single space

You can use text in this field and you can use Markdown to increase text size, bold, or italics

Helper Text

- Add helper text to be displayed below the field. To leave blank, add a single space

You can use text in this field and you can use Markdown to increase text size, bold, or italics

Field Status - Display Mode

Select Display Mode

- Choose how you want this field displayed on the form




  • Optional Field - Standard, editable field - Form user can complete this field, but it is not required
  • Required Field - Standard, editable field - Form user is required to complete this field
  • Disabled Field - Standard, non-editable field - Form user can view, but not edit
  • Display Field - Display the field as Text or other format
  • Hidden Field - This field will not be displayed for the form user, only internally

Field Defaults

Default Value - Add a default value to this field that will be added to every form submission

Use Default on Edit if Empty - Enable if you want to use the default value on Record Edits if the field has no value when the form is submitted

URL Prefill Settings

URL Prefill Key

The Key used to set this field value from the URL (i.e. ?key=value). (i.e.

Example: Your URL is

  • The Key is shoes and the value is red. When your form user uses this URL, the shoes field will automatically be entered as red without the user having to enter it in.

Disable Prefills for Field

  • To completely disable URL Prefills from this field, delete the key

Embed Configuration

Adding the Airtable Field with the URL or Embed Code

To use the Embed field, you will need to have a URL or Embed Code already stored in your Airtable base. You can use the following field types:

  • URL Field
  • Lookup Field to a URL
  • Text Field
  • Attachment Field - Images and PDFs
  • Linked Record field on your form with one of the other field types available


IMPORTANT: Once you have a field in your base with the URL, add the actual field to your On2Air Form
  • The field has to be on the form to be used in the Embed. We’ll show you how to hide it in the next step.

  • In this example, we’re going to use a Calendly calendar link that many people use for booking meetings and appointments


  • You can then hide it on your form so the user doesn’t see the field by changing the Field Display Mode to Hidden


  • If you’re using a Linked Record field as your Embed source, you need to first ensure the field from your Linked Record table is enabled in the Linked Record Display Configuration
    • You can do this by clicking your Linked Record field, opening the Display Configuration, then click Add or Remove Fields to choose the URL or other field you need


  • Next, add the Embed Custom Field to your form. You can find it in the Custom Fields section where you add fields.


  • In the Embed Configuration menu of the field, choose your Source field which is the URL field or other field type you added to the form


  • If using a Linked Record as your Source, you’ll see a secondary Linked Record Source Field.
  • Choose the field containing your URL

Special Options Require Embed

At this time, some services will require that you use the Embed code or iFrame rather than a URL. We are working to enable more platforms that only require the URL.

Example: YouTube

With YouTube, you’ll need to use the actual Embed code of the video


  • Paste the Embed code into a Text field in your Airtable table
  • 47d3a1bed3bb4e8283bb14747ff4f6fd

  • Add the Airtable field onto your form and hide the field

  • Add the Embed field to your form and choose the Airtable field containing your embed code

Customizing the Embed

  • Add a message in the Empty Message field to display if there is no URL used for the Embed
    • To leave it blank, use your spacebar to add multiple spaces to the Empty Message field


  • To change the height of the Embed container frame, add the Embed Height in pixels


  • Now when you view an Airtable record that has a URL in your URL field, you can see the embedded content on the form


Extra Options (Advanced)

None available

Danger Zone

  • Delete your field from the form
  • Click Remove


  • Click Yes, I want to delete this field from the form
