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You can use Dynamic URL Filters in On2Air Forms as a Search filter to display only specific Airtable records in a Linked Record field when sharing a form. It allows you to limit what your form user is able to choose in a Linked Record Field in your form.
- What is a Dynamic URL Filter?
- Video Tutorial Example
- How to Set Up Dynamic Filters
- Dynamic Filter Matching Style
- Add the Filter Values in the Prefill Fields
- How the Final Form and URL Works
What is a Dynamic URL Filter?
A Dynamic URL Filter is used as a Search filter to display only specific Airtable records in a Linked Record field when sharing a form. It allows you to limit what your form user is able to choose in a Linked Record Field in your form.
You have a Contact Form where someone can Contact you about Services. You have a Sales Rep Linked Record field on the form that notifies a Sales Rep when a form is submitted. You only want the form user to be able to select 1 Sales Rep name from the form instead of the entire Sales team.
So you set up a Dynamic URL search filter to only allow and show 1 Sales Rep available to choose from the Linked Record field.
The final result will look like this. Only 1 Sales Rep linked record is available to select.
Once you enable the Dynamic Filter and add your data value, On2Air will generate a URL with your dynamic filter that you can share with others.
Video Tutorial Example
How to Set Up Dynamic Filters
- Add your Linked Record Field to your form
- Select your Linked Record
- Set up your Display Configuration
- (Be sure the field you want to use for the Search field in your Dynamic Filter is added to your Display configuration fields)
- Open the Filter Configuration tab
- Under Dynamic URL Filters, click Add/Remove Fields
- Choose the field or fields you want to be able to use to use as Search filters for your Linked Records
- Example: I added Rep Name as a field from my Linked Record table to use for the Search.
- Open each field and choose the field configuration options
URL Prefill Key
- used as the key in the URL string to dynamically filter and search by this field
You can use the key that’s automatically created or you can change it to something else
Format for URL prefills
is your URL prefill key and alyana
is the value
URL prefills (parameters) always start with a ? after a URL
Dynamic Filter Matching Style
- Determines how the searches will be performed
- Options
Exact Match - used to match the search value you entered exactly
Contains - used to match the search value you entered if it contains parts of the value
Does Not Contain - used to match the search value you entered if it does not contain parts of the value
Does Not Equal - used to ensure the search display does not equal the value you entered
Case Sensitive
- enable if the the values in your dynamic filter are case sensitive
Dynamic Filter Required
- Used to ensure your linked record filters are required. Enable if a dynamic filter is required. If a dynamic filter is required and no filter/value is provided, the field will not work
Add the Filter Values in the Prefill Fields
Now, you need to add the actual values that will limit the Search results in your Linked Record Lookup
- Click Preview
- Click URL Prefills
- Scroll down to the Filter Fields settings
- You will see your filter URL Prefill key
- In the field, enter in the value you want as the search term in your linked records and click Done
In this example, we’re using:
URL Prefill key: rep
Dynamic matching style: Contains
Prefill/Filter Field value: alyana
(alyana is the first name of one of the Sales Reps in our base)
- Click Share Form
- Enable Include Prefills
- You should see your key/value prefill
How the Final Form and URL Works
- Click View Form
- Click the Find button on your Linked Record field
- You should only see the Linked records you set up in your filter
- In our example, it filtered to only show us records that ‘contained’ ‘alyana’
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