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Linked Record (+ SubForms)

Linked Record (+ SubForms)

🔴 On2Air Forms has been shutdown to focus on our On2Air Backups Airtable app Learn more about automated Airtable backups -

A Linked Record field in Airtable allows you to link data from one table in Airtable to the other. In On2Air Forms, you can create or edit Linked Records on your form. You can also add multiple Linked Record fields on 1 form to update records from multiple tables at one time. (To display data from your Linked Record in another location on your form once the Linked Record is chosen, check out the Linked Field DisplayLinked Field Display field type)

See more Fields in the Form Field Types - Airtable and On2Air FormsForm Field Types - Airtable and On2Air Forms

In this article

📽 How to Get Started with Linked Records

How to Add a Field to Your Form

Here’s how to add Airtable Fields or On2Air Custom Fields to your Form

Field Configuration

The Field Configuration includes options to give your field a title, add subtitles and helper text, the display mode of the field, field default values, and URL prefills

Field Labels


- Add a title to be displayed above the field as the main name. To leave blank, add a single space

By default, this is the name of your field in Airtable. You can use a different field name than your base and it will not affect the field name in your base.

Sub Title

- Add a subtitle to be displayed above the field. To leave blank, add a single space

You can use text in this field and you can use Markdown to increase text size, bold, or italics

Related: Use Markdown with On2Air FormsUse Markdown with On2Air Forms

Helper Text

- Add helper text to be displayed below the field. To leave blank, add a single space

You can use text in this field and you can use Markdown to increase text size, bold, or italics

Related: Use Markdown with On2Air FormsUse Markdown with On2Air Forms



Field Status - Display Mode

Select Display Mode

- Choose how you want this field displayed on the form



Optional Field - Standard, editable field - Form user can complete this field, but it is not required

Required Field - Standard, editable field - Form user is required to complete this field

Disabled Field - Standard, non-editable field - Form user can view, but not edit

Display Field - Display the field as Text or other format

Hidden Field - This field will not be displayed for the form user, only internally

Field Defaults

Default Value

- Add a default value to this field that is automatically added to the form field

Depending on the Display Mode you choose, this field value may or may not be editable

To disable editing a default value, choose a Display Mode of Disabled, Display, or Hidden

Use Default on Edit if Empty

- Enable if you want to use the default value on Record Edits if the field has no value when the form is submitted

URL Prefill Settings - Pre-Populated Fields

You can add pre-populated data to your form fields to make it easier for your form user. You can do this with URL Prefills in On2Air Forms.


URL Prefill Key - The Key used to set this field value from the URL (i.e. ?key=value). Remove key to disable URL Prefills for this field.

For Linked Record URL Prefills

URL Linked Field

- Select your initial field from Linked Table to compare with URL value. Leave blank to use Record ID values

URL Case Sensitive

- Enable if the prefill URL value is case sensitive, meaning it needs to match uppercase, lowercase, etc. exactly

Display Configuration

Display Configuration is where you’ll choose what Fields display on both your Linked Record table and in Linked Records lookup/search displayed on your form. Any fields you will need on your table or lookup/search must be added from here. There are options on each field to display or hide it on the table and/or lookup.

Lookup Display
Lookup Display
Table Listing
Table Listing

Display Fields

  • Choose the fields you want displayed on the Table and Lookup

How to Format Your Linked Records Display

  • Click Add/Remove Fields
  • Choose any field you want displayed on your form table and click the > arrow. To add all fields, click >> and then click Done

  • Once you’ve added your fields to the Display, click on each field and set up the Field Configuration options


  • Display on Table Listing - displays the field value on the table of the main form
  • Display on Lookup - displays the field value on the Search lookup
  • Column Header - add a custom table column name; leave blank to use the Field Name
  • Display Template - add a custom text template surrounding your field value; use {{VALUE}} as a placeholder for your field value
    • Example: If you want a $ symbol before the value, use ${{VALUE}}
  • Lookup Display Position - Determines where on the record in the Lookup Display your data value will appear. Depending if you’ve set other Lookup Displays on fields, you will see Primary, Secondary, Image, or Sub Fields as options
    1. image
    2. See Image below for location of Lookup Display positions

Lookup Display field displays
Lookup Display field displays

Advanced Format Options - advanced formatting options for each field. Will display different options depending on the field type - Learn more about adding advanced formatting to your fields.

SubForms Configuration (Create/Edit Linked Record Forms)

With SubForms, you can create a form within your form in order to update multiple tables in your Airtable base with one form. SubForms are created within Linked Record (+ SubForms)Linked Record (+ SubForms) Fields.

SubForm Permissions

You can set specific permissions for your SubForm records. You can allow or disallow creating new records, updating existing records, bulk record updates, lookup existing records, removal of existing record, bulk removing existing records, and ordering of records.


Allow Create New - Allow a form user to create new Airtable records in the SubForm

Allow Update of Existing- Allow a form user to update existing Airtable records in the SubForm

Allow Bulk Updates- Allow a form user to update Airtable records in bulk (multiple records at once) in the SubForm

Allow Lookup Existing - Allow a form user to look up existing Airtable records in the SubForm

Allow Removal of Existing - Allow a form user to remove existing Airtable records already displayed on the SubForm table list

Allow Bulk Removes - Allow a form user to remove existing Airtable records already displayed on the SubForm table list in bulk (multiple records at once)

Allow Ordering - Allow a form user to reorder Airtable records displayed on the SubForm table

Build a Linked Record SubForm - (Manage Create/Edit SubForm)

To create and edit Linked Records, you need to set up the Subform in Subform Configuration.

Lookup Search Configuration

Choose how the fields the form user can use to search Linked records from your Subform fields

Search Fields

  • Choose the fields that can be used to Search your linked records
  • Open each field and choose the Field Configuration options
    • Search Fields Matching Style - Select how searches against the search field will be performed Options: Exact Match - The form user must enter a value that exactly matches a search field value Contains - The form user can enter in values that are contained in the search field values

Case Sensitive - Enable if Search Field needs to match exactly, including uppercase, lowercase, or other

Sort Fields

- Select the fields to be used for sorting search results of field

  • Choose a field and then choose Ascending or Descending order
  • You can add multiple fields used for sorting by clicking Add new option after the first sort

Sort Fields - Select the fields to be used for sorting results of field

  • Choose a field and then choose Ascending or Descending order
  • You can add multiple fields used for sorting by clicking Add new option after the first sort

Lookup Filter Configuration

The Lookup Filter allows you to limit what data can be viewed or edited in the Linked Record field.

🎥 Use On2Air Forms to Filter Airtable Records Based on Selection (Parent/Child Fields) - Linked Records

Parent Link Mode - Determine how to link Parent field to this field

Options: Field Match - Match to exact field Custom Formula - Create a filtered search using an Airtable formula

Parent Source Field - Choose the Parent Source field

Parent Matching Style - Select how to link fields with Parent field

Options: Exact Match Contains Does Not Contain Does Not Equal

Case Sensitive - Enable if Parent Field needs to match exactly, including upper case, lower case, or other case

Extra Options - View Advanced Options

With Advanced Options, you can further customize your linked record table display.

  • Open the Extra Options menu in your Field
  • Click View Advanced Options

Advanded/Custom Settings Available


Table and Column Properties

You can use the Advanced settings to make your table Sortable, Scrollable, add a Style, and more.


Style class of the column.


Add text to display when a table is empty


Footer content of the column.


Header content of the column.


Set height of row - use pixels - example: 100px


Enable horizontal scrolling - default is true/enabled


Inline style of the column.


Change size of table to small, normal, or large - click for visual example


Depending on the dataType of the column, suitable match modes are displayed.


Property of a row data used for exporting, defaults to field.


Defines if a column can be filtered.


Element for custom filtering.


Property of a row data used for filtering, defaults to field.


Defines filterMatchMode; "startsWith", "contains", "endsWith", "equals", "notEquals", "in", "lt", "lte", "gt", "gte" and "custom".


Specifies the maximum number of characters allowed in the filter element.


Defines placeholder of the input fields.


Type of the filter input field.


Inline style of the header.


Defines if a column is sortable.


When enabled, the data of columns with this property cannot be sorted or changed by the user.


Property of a row data used for sorting, defaults to field.


Defines the width of the field column - use pixels - example: 50px

Search Properties

Customize how your linked records are displayed in the Search/Lookup box


set the card height of the list of linked records in the search box - uses pixels - enter as numerals - example: 100


choose layout type of grid or list - default is list


set the number of columns for the grid layout - not applicable to list layout


if checked (true), will automatically select the result if only 1 result found and its a Single Select Linked Record

Controls Properties - Buttons, Icons, Labels

Choose how your buttons, icons, and labels are displayed. Click the Controls toggle, then choose the appropriate setting


make buttons full width


Add classes to the following buttons on your form: Cancel, Lookup, Lookup_Disabled, Create, Edit, Display, Order, Remove, Grouping - See available options


Disable the following buttons on your form: Cancel, Lookup, Create, Edit, Display, Order, Remove - click the checkbox to disable the corresponding button


Add a tooltip to the following buttons on your form: Cancel, Lookup, Lookup_Disabled, Create, Edit, Display, Order, Remove


Add any valid CSS style to the following buttons on your form: Cancel, Lookup, Lookup_Disabled, Create, Edit, Display, Order, Remove, Grouping


Add text labels to the following buttons on your form: Cancel, Lookup, Lookup_Disabled, Create, Edit, Display, Order, Remove - Example: If you want your button to say Create Estimate, just type Create Estimate in the button label field


Add icons to the following buttons on your form: Cancel, Lookup, Create, Edit, Display, Order, Remove - See the list of available icons - Enter the icon shortcode - Example: pi-camera will add the camera icon


add a singular label for your linked record name


add a plural label for your linked record name - displays when no records are chosen on your form

User Guides for Customizing

Danger Zone

Remove - Remove the field from your form
