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The Button field displays a button that can open any URL from your Airtable base. It can also be used to open static URLs or displayed as a text link.

See more Fields in the Form Field Reference


NOTE: This field will only Display on the Edit Record mode and will not refresh live with field edits. If live updates needed, use our

field instead.

How to Add a Field to Your Form

Here’s how to add Airtable Fields or On2Air Custom Fields to your Form

Field Configuration

Field Labels


- Add a title to be displayed above the field as the main name. To leave blank, add a single space

By default, this is the name of your field in Airtable. You can use a different field name than your base and it will not affect the field name in your base.

Sub Title

- Add a subtitle to be displayed above the field. To leave blank, add a single space

You can use text in this field and you can use Markdown to increase text size, bold, or italics

Helper Text

- Add helper text to be displayed below the field. To leave blank, add a single space

You can use text in this field and you can use Markdown to increase text size, bold, or italics



Field Status

  • Display Field Content - Determine how to this field is displayed. Display Field as Text or other Displayable format (not editable).
  • Hidden Field - Determine how to this field is displayed. Field is Included but not Visible.

Customize Your Button

Documentation in Progress

You can customize your button further

  • Click Extra Options > View Advanced Options
  • You’ll see a list of various settings available to customize - See below for more details



Change the color of your button

There are 2 options to do this -

  1. In the classes field enter the color you need from this list of colors

  1. In the style field, type backgroundColor: color_name
    • You can enter in basic color names or you can use any CSS color from this list

Using Color name
Using Color name
Using CSS color code
Using CSS color code



You can change the label on the button in your Airtable base or in On2Air



Add an icon to your button - enter in the class name as pi-iconname



Defines the size of the button, valid values are "small" and "large”



Defines the style of the button, valid values are "secondary", "success", "info", "warning", "danger", "help"



Add a border class without a background initially


Raised (Shadow)

Add a shadow to indicat elevation


Rounded Border

Add a circular border radius to the button


URL (Static URL)

Add a Static (never changes) URL to your button

  • Add your URL in the url field in the Advanced settings


Link (Turn into Text-only link)

Add a link style to the button - display as a text link



Enter the Content of the tooltip



Any Prime React classes to be added


Add a visual block before or after the input field with text or icon. Set the content, bgColor, or color for either the before or after or both

Group Button Icon

Add an icon before or after the input field. Set the content, and location for the icon. Location options: left or right


Buttons have built-in badge support with badge and badgeClassName properties.


Badge = the badge on the button

BadgeClassName = the style of the badge

Link Open Options

By default, the button link will open in a new tab.

You can change the way a link opens to one of the following options

  • open in the same tab/window (for non-embedded forms)
  • open in the same tab/window (for embedded forms)
  • open in a popup window

In the Button Field settings

  • Go to Extra Options > Advanced Options settings for a Button field.
  • In 'location' field, type in one of the 3 options:
  • self - open in the same tab/window (for non-embedded forms)

    top - open in the same tab/window (for embedded forms)

    popup - opens in a popup window

    in popup, you can also set dimensions of the popup if you enter the sizes and sides similar to this: popup:left=100,top=100,width=320,height=320

Extra Options (Advanced)

You can add additional formatting options to your form fields with our advanced options. Please note these are being added as needed and are not all documented yet. Please reach out to us via chat if you have any questions

  • Click Extra Options > View Advanced Options

For Button options, see the list

Danger Zone - Delete Field from Form

Delete your field from the form

  • Click Remove


  • Click Yes, I want to delete this field from the form
