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Google File (Docs, Sheets, Slides, Drive Folders)

Google File (Docs, Sheets, Slides, Drive Folders)

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The Google File field in On2Air Forms allows you to edit and view Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Slides files or Google Drive folders on your form connected to Airtable. You can use an URL saved in Airtable or a static URL. You can also save the file back to Airtable in an
field or download the file. Can be used for both Private and Publicly Shared Files

See more Field Types in the Form Field Reference


How to Add a Field to Your Form

Here’s how to add Airtable Fields or On2Air Custom Fields to your Form

Field Configuration

Field Labels




- Add a title to be displayed above the field as the main name. To leave blank, add a single space

By default, this is the name of your field in Airtable. You can use a different field name than your base and it will not affect the field name in your base.

Sub Title

- Add a subtitle to be displayed above the field. To leave blank, add a single space

You can use basic text in this field or you can use Markdown to increase text size, bold, or italics

Helper Text

- Add helper text to be displayed below the field. To leave blank, add a single space

You can use basic text in this field or you can use Markdown to increase text size, bold, or italics

Field Status - Display Mode

Select Display Mode

- Choose how you want this field displayed on the form




  • Optional Field - Standard, editable field - Form user can complete this field, but it is not required
  • Required Field - Standard, editable field - Form user is required to complete this field
  • Disabled Field - Standard, non-editable field - Form user can view, but not edit
  • Display Field - Display the field as Text or other format
  • Hidden Field - This field will not be displayed for the form user, only internally

Field Defaults

Default Value - Add a default value to this field that will be added to every form submission

Use Default on Edit if Empty - Enable if you want to use the default value on Record Edits if the field has no value when the form is submitted

Google File or Folder Configuration (Set Google Field or Static URL)

Fields with Google File or Google Folder URLs can be Text, URL, Linked Records, or Formula fields

IMPORTANT To use the Google File or Folder field with a URL that’s stored in Airtable, you need to first add the Airtable field with the Google URL to your On2Air Form, then you can hide it in the Display mode settings of that field.

If you’re using the Static URL option, you don’t have to add any additional fields.

Setup for Private or Publicly Shared Files To edit or view Private Google files where you have access, you must be logged into your Google account in another browser tab so Google can ‘authenticate’ you’re the one viewing and editing the file. If the file is Publicly Shared, you do not need to be logged in to Google.

File Source

- Choose if your Google File URL source is in an Airtable Field or a Static URL you manually add in the form settings


Field - Google File URL is located in a field in your Airtable base

Static - Manually add a Google File URL in the On2Air Google File settings

SOURCE FIELD (for Airtable Field Source)

The Source Field will contain the Google ID or full Google File URL.


STATIC FIELD (if Static File Source)

Enter your Google File URL in the Static URL field settings


LINKED RECORD SOURCE FIELD (If Linked Record contains Field Source)

If you chose a Linked Record as your Source field, choose the field from the Linked record table that contains your Google File URL

The File URL Field from Linked Record table must be made available as a Display Field in the Linked Record Field settings in order to display here.
Linked Record Display settings
Linked Record Display settings
Google File field from Linked Record
Google File field from Linked Record


Choose the Google File Type


File Type Options:

  • Google Docs
  • Google Sheets
  • Google Slides
  • Google Drive Folder


Message to display if no URL link is found - can use basic text/numerals

To make it stay empty or ‘blank’, add several spaces in the box



Specify a numeric height (in pixels) for the document frame

Example: 1500 will make the height 1500 pixels


If you need to resize the width, resize the width of the entire form in
Change the Layout of Your Form - Width and Multi-Column
Change the Layout of Your Form - Width and Multi-Column


If you’re viewing or editing a Google Drive Folder, you can choose the view mode as List or Grid


List View
List View

Grid View
Grid View


If there are multiple URLs with multiple files in the Field, it will automatically enable pagination at the top of the frame so you can scroll through files.



Allow Download - Enable to allow the form user to download the Google File

- Disabled by Default

Not an option with Google Drive Folders


Please note that this downloads the Google file as it is or as you’ve edited it. It does not prefill or auto-generate with your Airtable data. If you need auto-generated documents from your Airtable data, check out our On2Air Docs app.

SELECT AVAILABLE FORMATS TO DOWNLOAD AS (Allow Download must be enabled)

  • Choose the formats available for download
  • If none selected, will allow all types
  • If only one selected, will auto download when download button is clicked


Download As Options:

  • PDF
  • HTML
  • MS Word
  • Text

Viewing Options

Choose option to allow how the user can interact with the file

Not available with Google Drive Folders



  • Edit - Edit the file - If Edit is enabled, it will be the Default setting
  • Preview - Preview the file - if Editing is not selected, Preview will make the file Read-Only
  • Full Screen - make full screen
  • External - Open in an external tab

Airtable Storage (Airtable Field for Saving Downloaded File)

You can choose to save your Google Doc as a PDF back into an

field. Once the Airtable Storage configuration is set up, the file will be uploaded when the Form is submitted.

Store Value to Airtable Field - Choose the field in Airtable where you want the file saved


Google Settings (for Files Saved Back to Airtable)

You need to choose whether the Google File is Publicly Shared or Private

Google File Permissions - Choose your Google File Permissions

URL Prefill Settings

URL Prefill Key

The Key used to set this field value from the URL (i.e. ?key=value). (i.e.

Example: Your URL is

  • The Key is shoes and the value is red. When your form user uses this URL, the shoes field will automatically be entered as red without the user having to enter it in.

Disable Prefills for Field

  • To completely disable URL Prefills from this field, delete the key

Extra Options (Advanced)

None available at this time

Danger Zone - Delete Field from Form

  • Delete your field from the form
  • Click Remove


  • Click Yes, I want to delete this field from the form
